MATH 110 - Day 7

2024-09-18 17:33:27 -0400 EDT

Systems of Linear Equations

Definition: A linear equation is the variable x_1, x_2, x_3, is the equation of the term:
:a1x1+a2x2+a3x3  anxn=d

The solution to is a vector


:(a(1,1)x1+a(1,2)x2+a(1,3)x3  a(1,n)xn=d1a(2,1)x1+a(2,2)x2+a(2,3)x3  a(2,n)xn=d2a(n,1)x1+a(n,2)x2+a(n,3)x3  a(n,n)xn=dn)

be a system of m linear equations in n variable x1,x2xn where:

How can we find solutions that exist? Goal: use an algorithm

Algorithm: Infinite sequence of mathematically rigorous instructions to solve a particular problems

Matrices: Let m,nN fixed once and for all. An m×n matrix A is a rectangular array of mn real numbers arranged in such a way that there are m rows and n columns:


Given a system of linear equations in n variables:

  1. the m×n matrix A written above is called a coefficient matrix of
  2. the m×n matrix is called an augmented



An algorithm for solving linear equations

input: a system of linear equations

  1. From augmented matrix of
  2. Perform elementary row operations (EPOs) to get good form
  3. Solve (substitution and elimination)


what is good form?

good form := Reduced Row Echelon Form (RREF)
this is:

  1. in each row, left to right the first nonzero number is 1
  2. if an entire row is 0s, this row is at the bottom
  3. if a column contains a leading 1 of in the first row, all other entires in the column and row must be zero.
  4. the leading ones form a diagonal

Theorem: any matrix can be put into RREF by a finite number of elementary row operations