MATH 120 - Day 2

2024-09-06 12:59:33 -0400 EDT

Logic Notation

Propostion: an abstract math statement that is either true or false


Here is an example of a logical Proposition:

$$ \forall x \in \mathbb{R}, \forall y \in \mathbb{R}, \exists z \in \mathbb{R}, ( x < y ) \Rightarrow ( x < z < y ) $$

This statement would mean: for every two real numbers that are not the same, there is a real number between them.

Consider this on Negation:

$ \neg ( \exists x, P(x)) = \forall x, \neg P(x) $

$ \neg (\forall x, P(x)) = \exists x, \neg P(x) $

The statements mean the same thing with different syntax so ill explain the first. The first half of the former statements means: there exits an x value that dons’t work with P(x), and the latter half means: not all values of x work with P(x).