# Day 2
# _____ _
# \_ \_ __ _ __ _ _| |_ ___
# / /\/ '_ \| '_ \| | | | __/ __|
# /\/ /_ | | | | |_) | |_| | |_\__ \
# \____/ |_| |_| .__/ \__,_|\__|___/
# |_|
# lets go back to the basics
# greeting
print("Hey Nerd")
name=input("what was your name again? : ")
print("oh yeah,", name, "sounds familiar")
# ask for integer
print("\nyo! i can square numbers. check it out")
x=int(input("give me a number:"))
print(x*x, "BOOM!")
y=int(input("give me another! i'll cube this one: "))
print(y*y*y, "BOOM!")
# oh yeah, assignment
# planets distance from the earth
you don't need to specify that it is an integer,
python just assumes that
Mercury = 58000000
Venus = 108200000
Earth = 149500000
Mars = 227800000
speedoflight = int(299792)
#print the inputs for each planet
print ("\n\nMercury is {}km away from the sun".format(Mercury))
print("it'd take like {}s to get there from the sun".format(Mercury/speedoflight))
print("\nVenus is {}km away from the sun".format(Venus))
print("it'd take like {}s to get there from the sun".format(Venus/speedoflight))
print("\nEarth is {}km away from the sun".format(Earth))
print("it'd take like {}s to get there from the sun".format(Earth/speedoflight))
print("\nMars is {}km away from the sun".format(Mars))
print("it'd take like {}s to get there from the sun".format(Mars/speedoflight))
#Earth compared to mars
print("\nMars and Earth are the closest to each other")
print("if you traveled one to another, it would take {}s there and back".format(2*(Mars-Earth)/speedoflight))